A Happier Healthier Stronger Tennessee


This campaign is supported and powered by you! There are so many ways to volunteer and show your support. Thank you for being here!

Host a Meet and Greet at your home or business
If you love entertaining, hosting a meet and greet is the perfect way you can help support my campaign!
Door Knock
Join me for a couple of hours to canvas neighborhoods, meet the people of District 61, and share our message.
two woman standing beside woman sitting in front of table
two woman standing beside woman sitting in front of table
blue wooden door with pink and red flowers
blue wooden door with pink and red flowers
Voter Registration

Encourage others to register to vote and research their local and district candidates. Together, we can make informed decisions and shape our future. Join us in spreading the word today!

Find your Representative here

Register to vote here

Make calls or send texts

Your voice and messages can make a difference—sign up today and be a part of the change! Help us reach voters by joining our phone banking and texting team. It's simple and flexible.

person holding red and white round pin
person holding red and white round pin
woman holding silver iPhone 6
woman holding silver iPhone 6
